

Not everything that is learned is contained in books. Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? why?

   Some people argue that knowledge in books is helpful. Other contend that knowledge obtained from books are not always true. If asked, both group provide their own compelling rebuttals to corroborate their assertions. Although a lot of good books exist in the world, in my opinion, I believe that books are the most inportant thing in my life, and they contain so many experience ans wisdoms because one book I read in my youth has changed my life. I have read some phrases in the book, saying “nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks.” Here is the reasons to say this; failure, try, and future.

   FIrst, “You will fail at some point in your life.” says the writer in his book. This is true. Two years ago, for instance, I was a teacher of a cram school. Many students liked me, and my salary was really good because of the popularity. However, a new teacher came to work in my office. His teaching skills were so great that I lost my job. I looked for another job, but I failed and failed. Only when I had experience the setbasks, had I understood the true meaning of what the writer said in his book. Without the book, I’ll never stand up again and look for a teaching job, but I did not quit. I did not fall back. Here is the thing. Do you have the guts to fail?

   Second, “If you don’t fail, you are not even trying” states the writer in his work. To get something you have never had, you have to do something you never did.



